Whoa there!
Who goes there?
It is I, Arthur, son of Uther Pendragonfrom the castle of Camelot.
King of the Britons!Defeater of the Saxons!
Sovereign of all England!
- Pull the other one.- I am.
This is my trusty servant Patsy.
We have ridden the lengthand breadth of the land...
in search of knights who will join mein my court at Camelot.
I must speak with your lord and master.
- What, ridden on a horse?- Yes.
You're using coconuts.
- What?- You're banging together two coconuts.
So? We have ridden since the snowsof winter covered this land.
Through the kingdom of Mercia--
- Where'd you get the coconuts?- We found them.
In Mercia?The coconut's tropical.
- What do you mean?- This is a temperate zone.
The swallow mayfly south with the sun...
or the house martin or the plovermay seek warmer climes in winter...
yet these are not strangersto our land.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
Not at all.They could be carried.
What? A swallow carrying a coconut?
It could grip it by the husk.
It's not a questionof where he grips it.
It's a simple question of weight ratios.
A five-ounce bird could not carrya one-pound coconut.