Monty Python and the Holy Grail

What is your name, handsome knight?
Sir Galahad the Chaste.
Mine is Zoot. Just Zoot.
- But come.
- No, please!

In God's name, show me the Grail.
You have suffered much.
You are delirious.

I have seen it. It is here.
You would not be so ungallant
as to refuse our hospitality.

I'm afraid our life must seem...
very duIl and quiet
compared to yours.

We are but eightscore
young blondes and brunettes...

all between 16 and 19-and-a-half...
cut off in this castle
with no one to protect us.

Oh, it is a lonely Iife.
Bathing, dressing, undressing...
making exciting underwear.
We are not used to handsome knights.
Nay, come, come.
You may lie here.

- Oh, but you are wounded!
- No, it's nothing.

You must see the doctors immediately.
No, please, lie down.
What seems to be the trouble?
They're doctors?
They have basic medical training, yes.
Come, come.
You must try to rest.

Dr. Piglet, Dr. Winston,
practice your art.

- Try to relax.
- Are you sure that's necessary?

We must examine you.
- There's nothing wrong with that.
- Please. We are doctors.

No! This cannot be.
- I am sworn to chastity.
- Back to your bed at once.

Torment me no longer.
I have seen the Grail.

- There's no grail here.
- I have seen it!

- I have seen--
- Hello.
