Monty Python and the Holy Grail

All you can see stretched
over the hills and valleys of this land.

- This wiIl be your kingdom.
- But, Mother--

I'm Father.
But, Father, I don't want any of that.
Listen, I built this kingdom
up from nothing.

When I started,
all there was was swamp.

All the kings said I was datt
to build a castle in a swamp...

but I built it all the same,
just to show 'em.

It sank into the swamp.
So I built a second one.

That sank into the swamp.
So I built a third one.

That burned down, fell over,
then sank into the swamp!

But the fourth one stayed up!
And that's what you're gonna get.
The strongest castle in these isles.
- I don't want any of that. I'd rather--
- Rather what?

I'd rather just sing!
Stop that! You're not going
into a song while I'm here.

Listen. In 20 minutes
you're getting married to a girl...

whose father owns the biggest tracts
of open land in Britain.

But I don't want land.
- Listen, Alice--
- Herbert.

We live in a bloody swamp.
We need all the land we can get!

But I don't like her.
Don't like her?
What's wrong with her?

She's beautiful. She's rich.
She's got huge...
tracts of land.
I know...
but I want the girl
that I marry to have...

a certain special something.
Cut that out!
Look, you're marrying
Princess Lucky...

so you better get used to the idea.
Make sure the prince doesn't leave
this room until I come and get him.

Not to leave the room,
even if you come and get him.

No, no. Until I come and get him.
Until you come and get him,
we're not to enter the room.

No, no. You stay in the room
and make sure he doesn't leave.
