Monty Python and the Holy Grail

in which there are no swallows,
although I think--

And this enchanter of whom you speak,
he has seen the Grail?

Where does he live?
Old man, where does he live?

He knows of a cave.
A cave which no man has entered.
And the Grail is there?
There is much danger,
for beyond the cave...

lies the Gorge of Eternal Peril...
which no man has ever crossed.
But the Grail !
Where is the Grail?

Seek you the Bridge of Death!
The Bridge of Death
which leads to the Grail?

Who are you?
- We are the Knights Who Say "Ni."
- No, not the Knights Who Say "Ni."

- The same.
- Who are thee?

We are the keepers of the sacred words:
"Ni," "Peng," and "Nee-wom"!
Those who hear them seldom live.
The Knights Who Say "Ni"
demand a sacrifice.

We are simple travelers who seek the
enchanter who lives beyond these woods.
