Hello? Who is it?
It is King Arthur, and these are
my Knights of the Round Table.
Whose castle is this?
This is the castle of my master,
Guy di Loimbard.
Go and tell your master...
that we have been charged by God
with a sacred quest.
If he will give us tood and shelter
for the night...
he can join us in our quest
for the Holy Grail.
I'll ask him, but I don't think
he'll be very keen.
He's already got one, you see.
- What?
- He says they've already got one.
Are you sure he's got one?
Yes. It's very nice.
I told him we already got one.
Well, can we come up
and have a look?
Of course not!
You are English types.
What are you?
I'm French ! Why do you think I have
this outrageous accent, you silly king?
- What are you doing in England?
- Mind your own business!
If you will not show us the Grail,
we shall take your castle by force.
You don't frighten us,
English pig-dogs!
Go and boil your bottoms,
sons of a silly person!
I blow my nose at you,
so-called Arthur King!
You and all your silly English...
- What a strange person.
- Look here, my good man--
I don't want to talk to you no more...
you empty-headed animal
food-trough wiper!
I fart in your general direction.
Your mother was a hamster...
and your father smelt of elderberries!