Untortunately, one of them,
my son Herbert...
has just fallen to his death.
But I don't want to think
I've lost a son...
so much as gained a daughter.
- Since the tragic death of her father--
- He's not quite dead.
Since the near fatal wounding
of her father--
He's getting better.
For, since her own father...
who, when he seemed about to recover...
suddenly felt the icy hand
of death upon him--
Oh, he's died.
I want his only daughter
to look upon me as her own dad...
in a very reaI
and Iegally binding sense.
And I feel sure that the merger--
the union...
between the princess...
and the brave but dangerous
Sir Lancelot of Camelot--
Look! The dead prince!
- He's not quite dead
- No, I feel much better.
You fell out of the tall tower,
you creep!
- No, I was saved at the last minute.
- How?
Well, I'lI tell you.
Not like that! No!
Stop it!
He's going to fell
He's going to fell
Quickly, this way.
No, it's not right for my idiom.
I must escape more--
What a wonderful escape
Excuse me. Could somebody
give me a push, please?