Here in Anthrax we have one punishment
for lighting the grail-shaped beacon.
You must tie her down on a bed
and spank her.
A spanking!
Spank her well, and atter you have
spanked her, deal with her as you like.
- Then spank me.
- And me.
Yes. Give us all a good spanking.
And atter the spanking,
the oral sex.
I could stay a bit longer.
- Sir Galahad!
- HelIo.
Quick! Quick!
You're in great peril!
- No, he isn't!
- Silence, foul temptress!
- She's got the point.
- We will cover your escape.
I'm fine!
- I can tackle this lot single-handed.
- Let him tackle us singled-handed.
- No, Sir Galahad. Come.
- I can handle this lot easily.
Let him handle us easiIy.
Wait. I can defeat them.
There's only 150 of them.
Yes! He'Il beat us easily!
We haven't a chance.
Oh, shit!
- You were in great peril.
- I don't think I was.
- You were in terrible peril.
- Let me go back in and face the peril.
- It's too perilous.
- My duty is to sample peril.
- We've got to find the Holy Grail.
- Let me have a bit of peril.
- No. It's unhealthy.
- I bet you're gay.
I am not.
"'Sir Lancelot had saved Sir Galahad
from almost certain temptation. "
But they were no nearer the Grail.
King Arthur and Sir Bedevere...
not more than a swallow's flight away
had discovered something.
That's an unladen swallow's flight,
They were more than two laden
swallows' flights away.
four if they had a coconut on a line
between them. If the birds walked--
Get on with it!
Anyway, on to scene 24,
a smashing scene with lovely acting...
in which Arthur discovers
a vital clue...