Hey, it's Monday morning,and I'm Jack Lucas.
Hi. This is about my husband.
-Yes?-Well, he drives me crazy.
I'll be talking and he'll neverlet me finish a sentence.
He's always finishing--
He's always finishing your thoughts.That's awful.
It absolutely drives--
It drives you crazy, doesn't it?He's a scoundrel!
Jack, you've hit the nail--
Hit the nail on the head. Yeah,somebody ought to hit you on the head.
Tell us, how long have you andSenator Payton been having this...
...this sleazy affair?
Oh, great.
This is great.
This is disgusting.I'm so tired of the public...
... invading a person'sprivate life.
You had sex with a U.S. senatorin the parking lot of Sea World.
And you're a private person?No, you're our....
Spotlight Celebrity!
We want to hear aboutthe back seats of limos...
...about the ruined livesof people we want to be.
Exotic uses for champagne corks.