- Well taken, Concord.
- Thank you, sir. Most kind.
And again.
Over we go! Good. Steady.
And now, the big one!
Come on, Concord.
Message for you, sir.
Concord, speak to me!
"To whoever finds this note:
I have been imprisoned by my father...
who wishes me to marry
against my will.
Please, please,
please come and rescue me.
I am in the tall tower
of Swamp Castle."
At last! A call!
A cry of distress!
This could be the sign that leads us
to the Holy Grail.
Brave, brave Concord,
you shall not have died in vain.
I'm not quite dead, sir.
WeIl, you shall not have been
mortally wounded in vain.
I think I could pull through, sir.
Oh, I see.
-I think I'm all right to come with you.
-No, no, stay here.
I will send help when I have made
the daring and heroic rescue...
in my own particular--
- Idiom, sir?
- Idiom!
- No, I feel fine, actually, sir.
- Farewell, sweet Concord.
I'll just stay here, then,
shall I, sir?