And in God
I place my trust
We may have had
our ups and downs
- Our times of trials and fears
- Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh
But we must be doin'
somethin' right
To last
200 years
We must be doin'
somethin' right
To last
200 years
I've lived
through two depressions
And seven
dust bowl droughts
Floods, locusts
and tornadoes
But I don't have
any doubts
We're all a part of history
Why, Old Glory waves to show
How far we've come along
till now
How far we've got to go
[Backup Singers]
How far we've got to go
It's been hard work
But every time
we get into a fix
Let's think of
what our children face
In 2-aught-7-6
It's up to us to pave the way
With our blood and sweat
and tears
Oh, we must be doin'
somethin' right
To last
200 years
[Backup Singers]
We must be doin'somethin'right
To last 200 years
We must be doin' somethin' right
To last
200 years
- That girl down there.
- Hold it! Hold it, everybody.
Honey, you gotta
get her out.
- Bob.
- Yes, sir.
I want to talk to Buddy.