- Now, after years in the making,- [Country, Medley]
Robert Altman brings to the bigscreen the long-awaited Nashville,
with 24... count 'em...24 of your very favorite stars!
David Arkin, Barbara Baxley,Ned Beatty in Nashville!
And the fabulous performancesof Karen Black, Ronee Blakely!
Timothy Brown in Nashville,
along with the spectacularKeith Carradine, Geraldine Chaplin!
With Robert Doqui in Nashville!
And the exciting appearancesof Shelley Duvall, Allen Garfield!
Henry Gibson in Nashville!
And the fantastic Scott Glenn,Jeff Goldblum!
Barbara Harris in Nashville!
Not to mention the terrificDavid Hayward, Michael Murphy!
Allan Nicholls in Nashville!
And the all-time greatDave Peel!
Cristina Raines,Bert Remsen in Nashville!
Plus the incredibleLily Tomlin!
Gwen Welles and Keenan Wynnin Nashville!
Be the first on your block to marvelat the magnificent stars...
through the magic of stereophonicsound and living-color picture...
right before your very eyeswithout commercial interruption.
[Man On P.A.] Fellow taxpayersand stockholders in America,
on the first Tuesdayin November...
we have to make some vital decisionsabout our management.
Let me go directlyto the point.
I'm for doingsome replacing.
I've discussedthe Replacement Party...
with peopleall over this country,
and I'm often confrontedwith the statement:
"I don't want to getmixed up in politics,"
or "I'm tired of politics,"or "I'm not interested."
Almost as often someone says, "Ican't do anything about it anyway."
[Snare Drum:Mid-Tempo March]