
- I always want more and more
- when you need quick energy.

- Even if we stay together
- Any time is Goo Goo time.

- Our whole lifetime through
- Pack Goo Goo in your lunch box.

I'll never get enough
I'll never get enough

I'll never get enough
of you

Go get a Goo Goo,
the South's favorite piece of candy
for 62 years.

- You ready to do the song?
- Right.

Go get a Goo Goo

It's good

I don't know about killin' 'em.
They're already dead.

They're lucky to be alive.

Haven Hamilton!
Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you.
Now, now.

Well, I want to thank you
for that wonderful, warm welcome.

I'm sure you meant to share it with
Bud Hamilton, my son, who's here.

Stand up, Bud!
[Audience Applauding]
Isn't he somethin'else?
Yes, indeed.
Yes, indeed.

God bless you, and thank you so much
for that warm welcome.

- How tall is that guy?
- Who?

- Haven.
- I'd like to do a treat for you.

- A brand-new song.
- Don't ever ask him that, John.

Unpack your bags
- And try not to cry
- [Audience Applauding]

I can't leave my wife
There's three reasons why
There's Jimmy
And Kathy
And sweet Lorelei
