prior to her arrival,
around 3,000 Barbara Jean fans and
supporters are here at the airport.
They are being held inside
the terminal by security police.
Ma'am, excuse me.
Am I late for Barbara Jean's plane?
- I don't think so.
- Thank you, ma'am.
Members of the Chamber of Commerce
and other fans are on the way.
Also, Haven Hamilton will make
an appearance here at Metro Airport.
[Walker On P.A.] There is
no question about being involved.
The question is,
What to do?
It is the very nature
of government...
to strain at a gnat
and swallow a camel.
As loyal citizens,
we accept our take-home pay,
most of the deductions...
and even, to a degree,
come to expect them.
However, when the government
begins to force its citizens...
to swallow a camel,
it's time to pause
and do some accounting.
Her plane has touched down and will
be turning onto the ramp area...
directly here in front of us
at Metro Airport.
Could you pass me
the crackers, please?
- [Woman] There you go.
- Thank you.
- Miss, may I have...
- Hi!
A... a caramel sundae,
Honey, we ain't got
no caramel sundae.
- Butterscotch?
- Ain't got no butterscotch sundae.
- Oh.
- Got a strawberry.
- Strawberries are always in season.
- Fine, fine.
- That's fine. Thank you.
- Good for you too.
Thank you. Then I'll have
a strawberry sundae, if I may.
- [Woman] You got it.
- Thank you.
- Sueleen, did you see what he did?
- One strawberry sundae!
Sueleen, did you see
what he just did?
He took the thing off the salt
and threw it up in the air.
Why'd you do that?
What are you doin'
in Nashville?
- Oh, I live here.
- You do?
[Waiter] Hey, fellas, come here.
I want you to see somethin'.
My wife and l...
My wife is sick,
Oh, I'm sorry
to hear that.
It's just one of those things
that happens.