Just wanna get comfortable.
It's called, uh,
"One, I Love You."
- [Murmuring]
- Oh, you got that right, babe!
[Off-key, Off-tempo]
When I feel my life perishing
- [Musicians Slow Down Tempo]
- I call you on the phone
You always fix me up
When I get broken
'Cause every time
that I got hurt
And went out of control
You knew the fears I felt
Before I spoke 'em
Boo! Come on, now!
- What is this, some Walker rip-off?
- One, I love you
I'm thinkin'of you
I'll never let you go
Boo! Come on! Take it off!
- And four, I miss you
- [Murmuring, Shouting Intensifies]
Five, I wanna kiss you
I won't leave you no more
- Did you tell Trout what you wanted?
- Did I? It was your job.
- I know.
- I assumed he knew what...
Well, I didn't think
it was gonna be any problem.
[Shouting, Jeering]
[Voice Cracking]
Four, I miss you
- Five, I wanna kiss you
- Take your clothes off!
I won't leave you no more
- [Man] Let's see some tit!
- [Jeering, Booing]
Come on!
What is this?
Come on back here, baby!
[Men Muttering,
Clapping Rhythmically]
- What's the matter, hon?
- I don't understand what's goin' on.
Didn't Trout tell you
you're supposed to strip?
I'm a singer!