I know you love me
When I'm happy
And I know you love me
when I shine
But will you love me
In the mornin'
When the baby makes you get up
One more time
Thank you!
I know you love me
when I feel good
Love me every time
I make you laugh
Turn that off.
- [Continues]
- Okay. One more minute, darlin'.
- Right now.
- She'll be through in a moment.
I want you to turn it off
right now!
It bothers me.
It bothers me too,
but I gotta listen.
I gotta go to the King of the Road
and thank her for you.
- Thank her?
- I gotta know what songs she sang.
You can ask anybody.
You can call. You can send flowers.
You can send a message.
Come on.
Don't get upset now.
You're makin' me
ruin my nail polish job.
Do I tell you how to sing,
darlin'? Hmm?
Have I ever told you
how to sing a song?
That ain't the point.
I know why you're goin' over there.
Don't tell me
how to run your life.
- I been doin' pretty good with it.
- You go... Wh...
Let's just calm down. We're both
gettin' on each other's nerves.
You're goin' to the King of the Road
so you can hobnob with everybody.
- So I can do what? "Hobnob"?
- I ain't got no friends.
I gotta sit here
in this goddamn hospital.
They're all gonna talk
about how I'm a nut.
I ain't doin' no hobnobbin'.
Now whoa, whoa, whoa.
"Barbara Jean
had another collapse."
You know what?
While you're at it, why don't you
take her some of my flowers?
Are you through?