[Cheering, Whistling]
All right, I wanna hear it some more
for my Misty Mountain Boys!
I got a couple announcements
I wanna make.
We got some stars here tonight.
- It can't be us.
- And one of'em is...
Tommy Brown's back in town!
Tommy Brown!
Stand up and show it off!
[Pearl Laughs]
Oh, ain't he beautiful!
Tommy Brown? Tommy Brown's
the whitest nigger in town.
It's gettin' late.
I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry.
He oughta drink some of that milk!
It fits his personality!
This is not typical of Lady Pearl's
parlors, you understand.
It's not typical of Nashville.
- I hope you'll tell the other ones.
- Hey, the Oreo cookie's leavin'!
Calm down.
You're drunk.
I know I'm drunk, but he's still
the whitest nigger in town,
and I ain't gonna change my mind
about that, I'll tell you right now.
Tommy Brown. Shit.
Hey, where you goin', Tommy Brown?
Come on back in...
- Hey, get your hands off...
- [Patrons Screaming]
Listen, boys!
I got two guns here!
Jesus said
it's gonna be all
Well, how'd we do, Trout?
Not bad, girls. Go sit down.
I'll talk to you in a minute.
Send over a couple of beers.
Hey, Bear, how about a couple beers
for the ladies, huh?
- Okay, honey, what's your name?
- Sueleen. Sueleen Gay.
Sueleen Gay,
you're on next.
Come on, Bunkie.
One, two, three, four.
Un, doux, trois, quatre.
Testing. Testing.
I gotta go to the bathroom.
Wait for me here.
[Man] The kind of guys that
go for this Hal Phillip Walker...
Longhairs that smoke cigarettes
that look funny.
I heard this guy's
an admitted homo.
Hi, y'all.
My name's Sueleen Gay...
and I'm here to sing you all
a couple songs that I wrote.