
For the sake of the children
We must say good-bye
For the sake of the children
We must say good-bye
For the sake of the children
We must say good-bye
Thank you.
Thank you.

He's got the entire galaxy
on the back of his shirt.

And now I'd like to do
a special old favorite,

the song that got me started in this
business that's been so kind to me,

a song you've loved
through the years...

and one I'm sure
you're gonna love tonight.

"Keep A-Goin"'!
Thank you.
Well, if you strike
a thorn on a rose

Keep a-goin'
And if it hails
or if it snows

Keep a-goin'
Ain't no use
to sit and whine

'Cause a fish
ain't on your line

Bait your hook
and keep a-tryin'

Keep a-goin'
[Audience Clapping Along]
When the weather
kills your crop

Keep a-goin'
Why, it takes work
to reach the top

Keep a-goin'
[Solo: Steel Guitar]
Well, now, Wilton's goin'!

Come on, Wilton!
Let's hear it for Wilton!

- [Audience Applauding]
- [Solo Continues]

- I think Joe's gonna be goin'soon.
- [Solo: Fiddle]

You gettin'ready, Joe?
- Yeah, Joe's goin'.
- [Solo Continues]

Now everybody's goin'!
