
- The first job I ever really got...
- [Stops]

Grandma... She's the one who clacked
her false teeth to the radio.

She taught my mama how to sing,
and my mama taught me.

One time she took me, 'cause we
was gonna get a new Frigidaire.

She took me to the Frigidaire store
where the man was advertisin'.

This record was goin' 'round, and
Mama told him I knew how to sing.

He said, "If she learns this tune,
I'll give y'all a quarter."

So Mama and I went home...
And then what happened?
Let's see, I think... Uh, yeah.

We went home and I learned both
sides of the record in half an hour.

We went back and told him that
I'd learned 'em, and he said,

"Let me hear," so I sang both sides
of the record instead of just one.

So he gave us 50 cents, and we went
across the street and had us a soda.

[Chuckles] Ever since then
I been workin'. I don't...

I think ever since then
I been workin' and doin' my...

- Come on, come on.
- Supportin'myself.

- Anyway...
- [Chuckling] Hey, hey. Hey, hey.

- Am I all right? Am I all right?
- Oh, you're fine, darlin'.

- It's the microphone.
- I ain't done.

- I know, I know.
- I ain't done.

Get us a glass of water.
Boys, help her off, all right?

- You'll come back. Okay, darlin'?
- Thank you!

- [AudienceJeering, Booing]
- All right. Watch the wire.

- [Jeering, Booing Continue]
- All right, now! Okay!

Aw, come on, now.
Have a heart.

- [Jeering, Booing Continue]
- Thank you!

Come on, now.
It's just too soon, now.

All of you must know... Aw, come on.
You didn't mean that, did you?

- She just come out of the hospital...
- [Resumes]

- Oh, no. Hold it down, boys.
- [Stops]

You know that little girl
just come out of the hospital.

- [Man Shouting, Indistinct]
- [Audience Members Screaming]

That little girl's in there
cryin' her eyes out...

'cause she didn't want
to disappoint you.

- [Man Continues Shouting]
- [AudienceJeering Intensifies]

Get outta here!

Y'all show up at Centennial Park
tomorrow at the Parthenon.
