- [Band: Up-tempo March]
- [Man] Twirlers, let's twirl!
- [Crowd Gasps]
- Oh, little beauty!
Thank you so much!
Are you gonna ride into town
with me or not?
Go on without me. I'm gonna wait,
'cause I think she's gonna sing.
Who, her?
She ain't gonna sing.
She don't sing
unless she gets paid.
I'd like to thank you for coming out
to greet me today.
It's great to be home.
It's as hot as a firecracker.
What's so funny about that?
Me and the boys are gonna be
out at the Opry this week,
and like my grandaddy
always used to say,
if you're down to the river
I hope you'll drop in.
- [Applause]
- [Haven] Ohh! Yes, that's sweet.
Who writes your material, darlin'?
Barnett, who are
all those people inside there?
That's just airport security,
'cause of all the hijackers.
- Did they come to see me?
- They can see you pretty good.
Then I'd like to go in
and say hello.
Aww, that's so sweet!
I'm sorry, darlin'.
This is a little bit unscheduled.
She's on her way to greet some
of the fans that are inside there.
- Stepping on down with Barnett.
- Watch out for the water.
That was real nice.
Right behind, Haven Hamilton and all
the other friends, members and, uh...
- [Woman Screams]
- She's fallen!
Harold, come on!
She's fallen somewhere down there!
- If we can get down there...
- [Shouting, Screaming]
Don't know how far
we can make it.
[Walker On P.A.] Who do you
think is running Congress?
Farmers? Engineers?
Teachers? Businessmen?
No, my friends,
Congress is run by lawyers.
A lawyer is trained for two things
and two things only: