Come on.
Now, where's Barnett goin'?
Where am I goin'?
- [Whispers] King of the Road.
- Why am I goin' there?
To see Connie.
And why am I doin' that?
To thank her
for singin' at the Opry.
- Now, who am I doin' that for?
- You're doin' it for me.
That's right.
Now, I'm walkin' out now.
What do you say as I walk out?
You say "bye-bye."
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
[Door Opens, Closes]
- Hello, Ben.
- Hi.
Aren't they wonderful?
So marvelous.
- [Continues]
- I'm really upset.
Wh... What are you
upset about?
She's really late.
- Well, she's not that late.
- No, she's late.
- Thank you.
- He's right over there.
[Connie] I thought you were
very, very good tonight.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
She sounded beautiful.
She looked beautiful.
Well, Sue,
I didn't expect to see you.
- I want you to meet Julie Christie.
- Well, excuse my back.
- Welcome to Nashville.
- [Triplette] Doctor Zhivago.
- She the one who got off the train?
- Will you be here a while?
- No, just passing through.
- Oh, please sit down.
- Have a drink with us.
- We're not staying.
You're English, aren't you?
I could tell.
- This is Connie White.
- Hi.