No, how could l? l live in Bologna and
l only arrived in Rome three hours ago!
lt's absolutely impossible.
Good, thank you, sir.
No... no!
Out! Out! No!
Via! Via! No!
l'm sorry.
Forgive me.
There is something...
No, l don't know what it is...
Forgive me. l'm sorry.
lt was... l can't explain.
Something strange and sharp,
like a knife...
...entering my flesh.
Please forgive me,
but it's alright now, thank you.
l feel it again.
lt's here. l can feel death.
l feel... a presence.
l have entered into contact
with a perverse mind!
lts thoughts are of death.
Go away!
...have killed...
...and you will kill again!
That nursery rhyme...
...and that house down there...
...and the...