I'll rub out your chicken tracks
and work them over.
What's this entry? "Important words
with blue, 2 dollars."
That's the soldier boy
that tipped me on Hawk and his gang.
And he charged his government
for the information?
Not exactly. I can't remember
the details of every transaction.
"Travel rations for Miss Goodnight
and Indian boy, Wolf, 3 dollars."
But we brought our own food.
They don't know that.
- They may be smarter than you think.
From now on, you must
have approximate dates...
Alcohol on an empty stomach
kills more men than outlaws' bullets.
You don't say.
My stomach ain't empty.
It's full of corndodgers.
Balls of hot water cornbread,
made by Chen Lee, my friend.
Must be near 50 in there.
- Why are they called corndodgers?
Dodgin' corn whiskey
in my innards, I guess.
You'd be better off dodging it too.
A drinking man is half a man.
You cannot give weight
to the words of a drunkard.
Don't tell me you stand in judgment
of a man who pulls the cork sometimes?
I do. It's a weakness
that indicates a lack of character.
You know more about the Lord
and His Good Book than about men.
My good fortune. I know enough
about men to steer clear of them.
I had no hankerin' to have
one of my own.
And no desire to produce more.
Yes, sir?
- She's frightening.
I got me a 22 pepperbox here.