You'd run from a jackrabbit.
Rooster Cogburn ain't no jackrabbit.
Cogburn aced ya?
Let's go.
You'll never take him, Hawk.
- Yeah?
Yeah. I rode scout for him 3 years.
And I know.
You take my money,
and you wear my brand.
Got it?
Get your butts in the saddle.
We're ridin'.
We'll make camp early.
This is a likely spot.
Is it safe to stop overnight, sir?
We got to rest the horses.
Unhitch 'em.
Anyway, I ain't worried
about them roadrunners.
They'll be in Goldstrike
lickin' their wounds,
consortin' with lewd women.
They'll start after us tomorrow.
Boy, am I thirsty.
I'm gonna fetch some water.
Drinkin' water.
Washing water I'm a stranger to,
and will leave you two to draw.
Marshal Cogburn, I'm sorry
if I offended you with my remarks
regarding your personal habits.
I didn't realize
you were such a sensitive nature.
My hide is tougher than boot leather.
But no man likes to be called
high-smellin' and low-down.
Ayah, true. But unpleasant things
are best said right out.
A sharp knife
cuts quickest and hurts least.
And aught to be left in the scabbard.