Is it safe to stop overnight, sir?
We got to rest the horses.
Unhitch 'em.
Anyway, I ain't worried
about them roadrunners.
They'll be in Goldstrike
lickin' their wounds,
consortin' with lewd women.
They'll start after us tomorrow.
Boy, am I thirsty.
I'm gonna fetch some water.
Drinkin' water.
Washing water I'm a stranger to,
and will leave you two to draw.
Marshal Cogburn, I'm sorry
if I offended you with my remarks
regarding your personal habits.
I didn't realize
you were such a sensitive nature.
My hide is tougher than boot leather.
But no man likes to be called
high-smellin' and low-down.
Ayah, true. But unpleasant things
are best said right out.
A sharp knife
cuts quickest and hurts least.
And aught to be left in the scabbard.
You're a flash of lightning, Marshal.
- No. I just follow the thunder.
Well, I'll follow my own advice
and retire to the stream
to perform my ablution.
Her what?
Hey, Sister.
Be careful movin' out there.
Everything that grows
in this country'll either
bite, stab or stick you.
Will she be alright?
Any varmint that crosses
her path has met it's match.
You, too, Marshal?
She'll never get the best of me.
You can bet on that,
Do Indian women
want to change a man too?
Yes. Miss Goodnight would be
regarded as highly as a brave warrior.
No man wants to put his boots
under a warrior's bed.
I heard some
flappin' noise back in them trees.