of laissez-faire.
Which, roughly translated, means:
- let each man do what he wants.
- [ Farting Noises ]
Harold, if you
start that today, I'll--
Y eah? Y eah, you'll what?
Hit me? Come on.
- Chicken-ass.
- I'm warning you, Harold!
You can't, can you?
Or you'll lose your job.
Come on. Plant a nice one
right here on the chin.
Oughta get about 10 days
in the slammer. Come on, chicken-ass.
Is this jerk
botherin' you, Mr. Clutch?
- [ Students Gasping ]
- [ Gasps ]
[ Lace ]
Shut up, punk!
[ Students Hooting ]
Okay, now, we're not gonna have
anymore of that crap today.
Okay, Mr. Clutch.
You can go on now.
Let's hear about that, uh,
"lacy-fair" stuff.
Y es. Thank you, ladies.
Thank you.
[ Students Laugh ]
[ Hook ] A little game
f or a little easy money.
All right. Thank you, my man.
You gonna play, sweetheart?
Uh-uh? All right.
Come on, you cheapskates.
Let's go.
I got 3-to-1 on Donut. Come on.
Who's game f or a little easy money?
You gonna play, sweetheart?
Ah, get outta here.
Come on. Let's go.
Get out your bread.
All right. Come on.
Who's next?
Hey, twerp. You gonna
play, or what? Thank you.
Come on, you cheapskates.
Let's go. I got 3-to-1 on Donut.
Come on, come on.
Give me a buck.
Aaah! Shoot.
Thanks, Hook.
Goddamn it, Donut.
You just cost me 30 bucks!
Jesus, Hook. I'm sorry.
It was an accident.