Switchblade Sisters

Thank you.
[ Students Laugh ]
[ Hook ] A little game
f or a little easy money.

All right. Thank you, my man.
You gonna play, sweetheart?

Uh-uh? All right.
Come on, you cheapskates.
Let's go.

I got 3-to-1 on Donut. Come on.
Who's game f or a little easy money?

You gonna play, sweetheart?
Ah, get outta here.

Come on. Let's go.
Get out your bread.

All right. Come on.
Who's next?

Hey, twerp. You gonna
play, or what? Thank you.

Come on, you cheapskates.
Let's go. I got 3-to-1 on Donut.

Come on, come on.
Give me a buck.

Aaah! Shoot.
Thanks, Hook.
Goddamn it, Donut.
You just cost me 30 bucks!

Jesus, Hook. I'm sorry.
It was an accident.

- There he is.
- Oooh.

Here. This stuff's pretty good.
Y eah. Why do we have to smoke
my bag all the time...

and not yours?
Because, eh.
Eh, baby.
Aw, I didn't know
you were out.

How's Junior, huh?
Did he miss me?

[ Dom ]
Oh, you know he did.

Been savin' him
just f or you.

Well, I guess we'll have
to fix him up then, huh?

Hey, here comes Mr. Weasel.
Hello, uh, boys.
Uh, may I join you?
Depends on what you want.
Just a little friendly chat.
Give the principal
your seat.
