
What do we use?
Print them all.
And the copy?
I'll interview him myself.

I need more time.
That's your problem!
Look, Antoinette.
The boat docked today.
It sails on Sunday.
I need a vacation.
Get me a ticket. Just one.
I'm due at the TV studio.
You forgot this.
Working on your will again?
You spend your whole life on it.

Worry about your own work...
and leave my life alone.
I'm ashamed of my work.
Bribing that boxer to talk.
It's disgusting!

The boxer was paid off?
Yes, to get him
to do the interview...

and the pictures.
I assumed it was your decision.
Did you know all the people there?
Who gave him the money?
The owner of the gym we rented.
I don't even know him.
You know all the people I know.
Not all of them.
We can go wild with all that money.
There's at least 6 million francs.
Feels funny to get rich all at once.
