
The boxer was paid off?
Yes, to get him
to do the interview...

and the pictures.
I assumed it was your decision.
Did you know all the people there?
Who gave him the money?
The owner of the gym we rented.
I don't even know him.
You know all the people I know.
Not all of them.
We can go wild with all that money.
There's at least 6 million francs.
Feels funny to get rich all at once.
Get your evening news!
New victim, new crime!
Read about the gang war!
Get your morning paper!
The latest on the election campaign!
If you're against tyranny,
for liberalism.

Say no to chaos!
Stand up for your rights!
Don't buy a one-way ticket
to dictatorship!

You who work for a living.
Demand an end to lawlessness!
