Lord Talou, try to stop them !
I know them. When they drink,
they make you go mad !
Lord Talou, he will break his head !
Stop, Rolando !
Take him below and send him away.
That stupid idiot has no balls !
- I won !
- The competition is over. Carlo won.
Natale, check if the basin
is empty !
The competition is over.
The basin is empty. Carlo won !
You are not giving me a little kiss ?
It is embarrassing to admit that
the city where the Holy Father lives
is still like the days
of Trimalcione.
In the Piombi prison,
one could not play certain games,
especially for lack of space.
If I know who
I have the honor of...
I am the Prince Del Brando.
Excellency, everyone knows I was
thrown into that miserable prison
for noble political causes.
I will not even allow a prince
to make certain insinuations
on the injustice I underwent there.
Do not take my joke so seriously !
Wine !
I have heard of you, Mister Casanova.
I am your great admirer.
If I were a woman, I would not have
hesitated to come to bed with you.
I heard many great things
about you !
I thank you. The admiration
of such a gentleman like you
makes me undoubtedly proud.
Your merits were compared
to those of a stallion,
and sometimes to those
of a less noble animal.