Family Plot

The room was soundproofed.
I never heard anything except
a disembodied voice of a loudspeaker.

- Describe it.
- But I've already done that.

It was the voice of a man, no accent.
Doctored up electronically.

How many of them were there?
Two. A man and a woman.
Why do you say that?
Because the faintest light
filtered down from the hallway above.

But not enough to give me
a chance to see who they were.

- Yes, and who did the cooking?
- She did.

Because a man would not
bother to put the parsley

on the filet of sole, that's why.
- How old is she?
- Come on, now. Please.

- How old is she?
- Twenty-five.

- Why?
- Why?

Because if a man my age
is gonna get kidnapped by a woman,

he wants her to be 25, that's why.
- Describe your return.
- The return.

The disembodied voice
tells me to sit with my back to the door.

The light goes out,
the door opens, they both come in.

I feel a prick in my left arm.
The next thing I know,
I wake up in that hospital bed

with you sitting there,
thinking up questions!

Thank you, Mr Constantine.
You're doing great.

- That's what you think.
- Alright, let's start all over again.

Aw, shit!
(Piano Playing, Birds Singing)
(Blanche) Why, Henry, you have such
a beaming smile on your face.

(Blanche Playing Henry)
l smile because l'm happy, Blanche.

lt comes through you, Blanche,
from your friend, lda Cookson.

(ln Blanche's Voice)
l'm her guide, Henry.
