(Speaking ln A Girlish, Dreamy Voice)Someone is here.
Not closely.
Not willingly.
I feel a holding back.
What's the trouble, Henry?
(In Deep Male Voice)Too many memories, too much pain.
Too... much... sorrow.
(In High Voice)Whoever is there with you,
tell them to speak up, Henry.
Tell them to come closer.
(Woman 2) l think l knowwho it is, Madame Blanche.
I think I know what's bothering her.
(In High Voice) Her, is it?Never you mind, Miss Rainbird.
I won't have you doingHenry's work for him.
(Moaning, Gasping)
Now, let's have it, my love.That's why we're here tonight.
To help my friend be rid of her torment.
She has a right to rest her weary headon a pillow each night
and sleep the peacefulsleep of the angels.
H-How did you knowabout my troubled sleep?
Who told you?
Her nights cannotgo on like this much longer.
I-I never told a soulabout my nightmares.