Family Plot

and if things were blurry, that was OK,
and they were using a lot of zooms.

So, his style was very different
from what I was used to.

- (Tyres Screeching)
- (Crashing)

(Blanche) George, are you alright?
Mm-hmm. I think so.
- How about you?
- I'm OK.

(Kazanjian) Hitchcock had
long been known

to be one of the early directors to
storyboard and do conceptual designs.

And, of course, with the conceptual
designs that came from

the production designer,
Henry Bumstead.

- Should it go this way or this way?
- Doesn't matter, really.

But Hitchcock, personally,
would do some of the storyboards,

and then he'd commission
Tommy Wright

to do a number
of the storyboards for him.

And he would meet with Tommy
and tell him exactly how he saw it.

He'd look at those drawings
and make adjustments.

To pre-edit a scene, and then
shoot it the way you want to edit it

and then edit it is... insane,
because it's not possible.

You never get a good scene that way.
But Hitchcock always did.

What's exceptional,
really, isn't that he was so

adamant and such a perfectionist.
What's amazing is that it worked!
Usually, you have in your mind a notion
of how this scene is going to look,

how it's going to run,
how it's going to feel.

And then you put it there
like you imagine it - it doesn't work!

So, you have to re-edit, and then
you have to re-edit that.

Then you have to re-edit that.
But what he did was almost
supernatural when you think about it.

He pre-thought it so thoroughly
and with such an accurate imagination
that when you cut it, it worked
just the way he thought it would
every time, every scene,
every movie!

(Kazanjian) Hitchcock used to tell me
and show me films

and explain his theory in chases.
