Family Plot

How many times do I have to tell you
that tomorrow I have to work in my cab?

So it'll wait till Sunday.
(Engine Starting)
You better give me a quick synopsis.
I'm confused.

Simple. A cab driver is shacked up
with a sex-starved medium
named Blanche Tyler.

Don't ask me why,
but apparently they're on the trail

of some spook named Eddie Shoebridge.
Fortunately, not on the trail
of your favourite kidnapper and mine.

How can you be so sure?
You did hear him talk about
collecting a huge hunk of money.

Couldn't that be the reward
that's on our heads?

You got yourself a point there,
Frances, old girl.

Only time will tell whether it's any good.
One thing's certain.
We're not going to change our game plan.
Not now.

Buy me a drink, Arthur.
A shiny car. A... limousine?
Why does he drive so fast, Henry?
What's that? On the seat beside him?
l hear the sound of a baby crying.
Quick, Henry, before he disappears.

Ask - Yes, I know.
I... see him now.
The uniform. A chauffeur.
Words! Henry, I need words.
Who? The what?
(Panting) The Rainbird chauffeur?
Good heavens.
Old Michael O'Keefe, our chauffeur.

(Gasps) Where is Michael going?
Henry, ask him
where he's taking Harriet's baby.

Oh, more pictures are coming in too fast.
I can hardly make them out.
Henry, a graveyard, a headstone?
l don't like this, Henry.
