Family Plot

And he said, "Of course." That was it!
He didn't say anything else.
And when he was shooting,
he would say, "Cat's feet."

And you'd learn that
"cat's feet" means pause.

I have a scene where I say
something like "Merry Christmas."

And I said, "Merry Chris-" "Cut."
I said, "Hitch, wh-what are you doing?
I have to say 'Merry Christmas.'"

"No. No, Bruce.
Because when you say the 'mas,'

I'm going to be over here
so, we don't need to shoot it now."

So, when I tell directors
that on Family Plot

we only shot 1 10,000 feet of film,
period, and printed 55,000.
That's a two-to-one ratio on
a two-hour-and-20-minute movie.

Arthur Adamson.
What can I do for you gentlemen?

Sorry to bother you, Mr Adamson.
Andy Bush, Bureau of Inspectors,
and, uh, this is Lieutenant Peterson.

- Hi.
- My pleasure.

(Devane) I had directed a play called
Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been?

And one of the main characters
was an actor named John Lehne.

And there was a scene in the jewellery
store near the end of the film where

he actually comes in looking for me.
And so John and I
designed this little beat

where I pick lint off his jacket.
I'm flattered.
Which, to me, is a really,
like, charged moment.

When we shot the scene,
the cameraman leaned over
and said something to Hitch.

And then, Hitch came over to me,
and he said, "Don't do that."

I said, W hat's the matter with it?"
He said, "It's just not clear."

I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr Adamson.
There are two gentlemen to see you
from the police department.

(Devane) So we shoot the scene,
and Hitch never looked at film dailies.

He stacked it all up. When it was
all over, he watched it all.

Then he went back
and did what he wanted to do.

What so happened
in that particular scene -

He hated the background
in the jewellery store.

Might've been all crystal,
or it was all silver.

Whatever it was, he didn't like it.
So he wanted to reshoot that scene.

So, of course,
John and I were friends.
