Family Plot

And one of the main characters
was an actor named John Lehne.

And there was a scene in the jewellery
store near the end of the film where

he actually comes in looking for me.
And so John and I
designed this little beat

where I pick lint off his jacket.
I'm flattered.
Which, to me, is a really,
like, charged moment.

When we shot the scene,
the cameraman leaned over
and said something to Hitch.

And then, Hitch came over to me,
and he said, "Don't do that."

I said, W hat's the matter with it?"
He said, "It's just not clear."

I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr Adamson.
There are two gentlemen to see you
from the police department.

(Devane) So we shoot the scene,
and Hitch never looked at film dailies.

He stacked it all up. When it was
all over, he watched it all.

Then he went back
and did what he wanted to do.

What so happened
in that particular scene -

He hated the background
in the jewellery store.

Might've been all crystal,
or it was all silver.

Whatever it was, he didn't like it.
So he wanted to reshoot that scene.

So, of course,
John and I were friends.

We got back there.
Got the costumes, the whole thing.

We're standing around.
I looked at him. He looked at me.

And I said, "Let's do it."
We play the scene again.
We do the little pick-the-lint-off thing.

Hitch never put it together, you know.
It got in the film, and it's
my favourite beat in the movie.

(Man) I'm talking too much. Perhaps
it's because you're not talking at all.

(Black) The scene in the kitchen
was very difficult

to do for an actor because
it was a scene in which

you started the scene and 30 or 40
seconds into the scene, you wept.

That's hard to do because usually
you're prepared, and then they shoot.

Then you can cry rather easily.
So this was very difficult.

(Woman) Keep both diamonds all
to yourself, if you'll just end it.

(Black) They shot it twice,
and the second time, it was very good.

I cried just when I should have,
and I thought it was wonderful.

But he printed only the first one,
and I went to find him.

He was sitting sort of near the kitchen
turned away from the camera.

And I said, "Mr Hitchcock, please, I was
so much better in the second take."
