Family Plot

(Woman 2) Certainly, Mr Adamson.
(Mrs Cunningham)
l'm afraid l rather like it.

(Joe) Hey, Eddie. You old son of a bitch.
If it's all the same to you,
I prefer Arthur Adamson.

Now what in the hell are you doing here?
Had to see you
about something kind of urgent.

Couldn't you have phoned me?
Some things
you don't put on no telephone.

Hey, uh, you got any booze around?
(Bottle Clinking, Top unscrewing)
Alright, Joseph. What is it this time?
- (Pouring Drink)
- New freezer for your wife?

Mother needs another operation?
Bookies threatened to kill you? What?

Aw, come on, Eddie. You make me
sound like some kind of sponger.

Not that I ain't grateful
for all your favours.

- Did I ever have a choice?
- OK, OK. Here it is.

First off, l gotta ask you a question.

- Go ahead.
- I'm tellin' ya. No shit now, Eddie.

Can you think of any reason why anyone
would be sniffin' around in your life

after all these years?
I can't think of any reason at all. Why?
Well, there's this guy
comes around the garage today

tryin' to locate Eddie Shoebridge.
Claims he's a lawyer,
he's got good news for ya.

Won't say what, or who he's workin' for.
Calls himself McBride.
I know he's a phony the minute I see him.

- Police?
- No way. He's a real amateur.

I traced his license plates
with the bureau -

Doesn't even drive his own car.
"Blanche Tyler, 1 7 Castle Heights Road."
- What did he look like?
- (Coughs) He's tall, thin, about 35.

He's always got a pipe on.
Asking a lot of smart-ass questions.

- What'd you tell him?
- Nothin'. Not a goddamn thing.

I didn't have to. He knew everything -
fake headstone you had me put up,
how l tried to get you
officially declared dead.
