Family Plot

and what it did was it distorted
everything in the foreground,

but made everything
in the background sharp focus.

And so, it was neat because
I had Mr Hitchcock to myself.

He had no other
distractions except me.

So, he really took time
to get to know me a little bit.

And every year, then, he made sure
I did a guest-starring appearance

on Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
You call me Jesse, and you say,
"Jesse, I'd like to know
what you done to that woman?"

- No.
- (Menacing Laugh)

And 12 years went by,
and he was casting Family Plot.

I wasn't the first choice.
I think Al Pacino was the first choice.

And Mr Hitchcock
didn't like to pay actors.

And he was very upset that he had to
pay Julie Andrews and Paul Newman

$750,000 apiece to do Torn Curtain,
and he never got over that.

Now, wait a minute, Blanche.
Did you say ten big ones?

- Mm-hmm.
- Ten thousand?

- Mm-hmm.
- Dollars?

Dollars, George!
So, when he got to Family Plot,
to get over a $100,000 was amazing.

And he didn't want to pay Al Pacino
whatever his price was then.

And he'd just done Serpico
and The Godfather, so he was big stuff.

And so, then they were going to go
to the next on the list.

I certainly wasn't the next on the list.
I was about 15th on the list.

But he jumped right away.
He jumped over everybody.

And he called my agent,
and he said, you know,

(Imitating Hitchcock) "I liked Bruce.
I think he would be good for the film."

And so I went, and I saw him.
I said, "Why would you
want me to play this part?"

He said, "Bruce, I-I never
know what you're gonna do next."

"I know that the frame is perfect."
"I know the shot works perfectly."
"All I want is to be entertained.
I make entertaining movies."

My feet are killing me.
These damn six-inch heels.
