Le Locataire

to make such a racket,
even on a Saturday evening!

We will be more careful.
Good night, monsieur.

Sure. Soon you won't even
be able to jerk off...

without him knocking
on the door.

You shouldn't let him
push you around that way.

- I know. You should counterattack.
- Oh, you know what?

- We gotta take revenge.
- Why don't we set the john on fire?

- Throw scorpions down his chimney.
- Or crabs.

Crabs won't work. Scorpions.
No. We'll drill a hole
in the wall and force gas in.

- Yeah!
- Or make a hole in the floor.

Don't be so silly.
That's because he only
thinks below the belt.

What's this? I'll be damned,
he's throwing us out of the house.

- Look, it's late.
- Aw, come on.

Okay, gang.
Let's go find someplace else.

- Give me my coat.
- Pass me my coat, huh?

Be careful.
Be careful with those coats.

- Come on. On your feet.
- My shoes.

Let's go, everybody.
Wait. We going or what?
- Sure, buddy.
- Bye, everybody.

- Come on, everyone.
- Night!

Let's go. Everybody out!
One hell of a party.
- Good night, my friends!
- Hey!

Shh! Don't make so much noise!
People are sleeping!
