Screw you!
Open the door and let the
passengers on or I'll break your neck.
- Nick, this guy is enormous.
- You wanna fight?
Let me go.
I'll fight you!
I'm not leaving this bus
until you fight me.
They can fire me
for fighting on the bus.
- Okay, we'll fight outside.
- Nick.
Okay, but we don't get out
through the front door.
Okay. You have my word on that, as long
as you let the passenger on first.
- That's fair.
- Okay.
- All right. Sit up.
- I trust this man
and he has my word of honor.
- All right.
- You got my word.
Go ahead. Then we'll go outside
and really have at it.
- Let's just open the door first.
- Go ahead. Open the door.
No, hold on there!
Hold on!
I got you.
I'm exhausted, really, Nick.
This is foolish.
- Shh.
- Nick.
- Please. It's just foolish.
- Foolish.
- Frankly, I think it's ridiculous.
- You didn't like my mother.
I loved your mother.
I thought she was a wonderful woman.
Why is it ridiculous
to visit her grave?
- Because it's 1:00 in the morning.
- That makes it nicer.
That doesn't make it anything, Nick.
A grave is a grave.
There's not a religion in the world
that says a person's soul
is buried with them in their grave.
- It's not your mother in there.
- You don't believe any of that stuff?
You don't believe
there's anything after you die.
Uh, me, personally, no.
I believe you die, and that's it.
And that doesn't scare you.
To think that one day you'll die,
you'll be over.