I'm exhausted, really, Nick.
This is foolish.
- Shh.
- Nick.
- Please. It's just foolish.
- Foolish.
- Frankly, I think it's ridiculous.
- You didn't like my mother.
I loved your mother.
I thought she was a wonderful woman.
Why is it ridiculous
to visit her grave?
- Because it's 1:00 in the morning.
- That makes it nicer.
That doesn't make it anything, Nick.
A grave is a grave.
There's not a religion in the world
that says a person's soul
is buried with them in their grave.
- It's not your mother in there.
- You don't believe any of that stuff?
You don't believe
there's anything after you die.
Uh, me, personally, no.
I believe you die, and that's it.
And that doesn't scare you.
To think that one day you'll die,
you'll be over.
Won't be anything. You won't know
anything. There'll be nothing.
Look, Nick, you wanna visit your mother?
Let's visit your mother
because the conversation is stupid.
It isn't stupid, it's interesting
if you're gonna die.
Well, I'm not gonna die,
so I think it's stupid.
- Yeah, well, you are someday.
- Look, Nick.
- You're gonna die someday.
- I'm not gonna stand here
till 1:00 in the morning and discuss
what's gonna happen to me when I die.
I mean, that mishegoss I leave
to the Catholics.
Aren't you gonna die someday?
Aren't you gonna die someday?
- Aren't you gonna die someday?
- Nick, I'm not gonna...
All I want to know is,
are you gonna die someday?
Nick, you wanna visit your mother's
grave? Let's do that and get out.
Give me your lighter. I wanna see
the names on those headstones.