I'm sorry. Our room is so dusty.
My fault.
I should have blown first.
May l present my secrétaire
and chauffeur Marcel Cassette.
-Recovered from your accident, Marcel?
-But how did you know?
From the way you bend.
Your right side
smashed in by a Citroën.
I detected a slight
metallic sound...
...so l think you have
an artificial hip. Steel?
Aluminum. You're as quick as ever,
And you, Charleston...
...did not approve of
Mrs. Charleston dying hair blond?
I beg your pardon?
Mrs. Charleston hair red.
You have blond hairs on shoulder.
That means she has dyed red hair
to blond then back again to red.
Or else you have been--
So sorry. Wang is wrong.
Shall we go to dinner, please?
-Boy, Pop, you sure put your--
-Shut Japanese mouth.
It must be ghastly
to have a hip removed.
-Does it hurt?
-Only in damp weather.
-Are you all right?
-Pay no attention. You'll spoil him.
Get up. Get up.
-As l was saying, Mr. Charleston--
-Hey, Pop.
A treacherous road
like fresh mushrooms--
I know. Dog stick tongue
out of picture.
Treacherous road
like fresh mushrooms.
He's a charming fellow.
African death mask.
Died in some tribal ritual.
Wonder where others are.
What others?