...and you are all looking at him.
No, don't look at each other!
Look at me! l'm the greatest!
l'm number one!
To me you look like number two.
Know what l mean?
-What does he mean?
-I'll tell you later. It's disgusting.
In all your adventures,
monsieurs and madames...
...none of you has ever had
an unsolved murder.
Your reputations exist
on this single fact.
But what would the world say
if the five greatest detectives...
...found themselves trapped
in a house, shut off from the world...
...only to discover
a dead body...
...stabbed 1 2 times in the back
with a knife...
...and not one of you able
to solve the crime?
-You mean murder?
-We're talking shop.
Yes, murder, Mrs. Charleston!
On the stroke of midnight...
...someone in this house
will be murdered.
Left out one small detail,
Mr. Twain.
Who victim?
" ls the." " ls the."
"Who is the victim?"
That drives me crazy!
-Sounds like a short ride to me.
-Does it?
Well, we shall see who is sane
and who is crazy around here.
Mr. Wang...
...the victim is here at this table
at this very moment...
...and so too, ladies and gentlemen,
is the murderer.
-Yes, dear.
We're going to have
a lovely murder-poo.
Push her wheelchair down the driveway.
We got business.
-You know who's gonna get it?
-And how it'll be committed?
And what time
murder take place?
"The" murder. Precisely.
It's not my business, but doesn't
that mean you're the murderer?
No wives. I refuse to
discuss this with wives.