Left out one small detail,
Mr. Twain.
Who victim?
" ls the." " ls the."
"Who is the victim?"
That drives me crazy!
-Sounds like a short ride to me.
-Does it?
Well, we shall see who is sane
and who is crazy around here.
Mr. Wang...
...the victim is here at this table
at this very moment...
...and so too, ladies and gentlemen,
is the murderer.
-Yes, dear.
We're going to have
a lovely murder-poo.
Push her wheelchair down the driveway.
We got business.
-You know who's gonna get it?
-And how it'll be committed?
And what time
murder take place?
"The" murder. Precisely.
It's not my business, but doesn't
that mean you're the murderer?
No wives. I refuse to
discuss this with wives.
All fingers do point to you.
Not much of a challenge.
Shall l make it more interesting?
One million dollars
to the one who solves the crime.
Wagered against your reputations.
One million dollars, tax-free.
In addition, the paperback rights
and the film sale.
It's 1 1 :00, amigos...
...just one hour before death
strikes someone in this room.
See you at midnight.
See here, Mr. Twain!
-He's gone!
-No, he's not. He's down there.
Fast little bunny, ain't you?
I've never moved, Mr. Diamond.
I'm still down there.
A stunt with mirrors.
Is that so?
Willing to risk seven years' bad luck?
Try it, Mr. Diamond.
It's your funeral, butterball.
Wait. Sometimes it doesn't work.