Thank you.
(Knocks on door)
Come in.
- Herr Admiral.
- Come and sit down.
Your meeting went well?
The Führer had something
specific in mind?
(Admiral Canaris) A simple
exercise in logistics.
Nothing very complicated.
He merely wants
Winston Churchill brought
from London to Berlin.
And we are ordered
to make a feasibility study.
Today is Wednesday.
By Friday, he will forget it.
But Himmler will not.
Reichsführer Himmler approved?
Only of my being
put on the spot.
That meeting!
You should have seen it, Radl.
There was Hitler -
first ranting, then cajoling.
And then perfectly rational.
Then raging and stamping
like a...
Like the ringmaster
of some freak circus.
Goebbels - hopping
from one foot to another
like a schoolboy.
Bormann - a vulture...
perched in the corner -
watching, listening,
never speaking.
And Mussolini...Mussolini!
An automaton, Radl.
And I looked round that room,
and I wondered, am I
the only one who can see it?
If so, what must
I look like to them?
Herr Admiral,
the feasibility study...