Reichsführer Himmler approved?
Only of my being
put on the spot.
That meeting!
You should have seen it, Radl.
There was Hitler -
first ranting, then cajoling.
And then perfectly rational.
Then raging and stamping
like a...
Like the ringmaster
of some freak circus.
Goebbels - hopping
from one foot to another
like a schoolboy.
Bormann - a vulture...
perched in the corner -
watching, listening,
never speaking.
And Mussolini...Mussolini!
An automaton, Radl.
And I looked round that room,
and I wondered, am I
the only one who can see it?
If so, what must
I look like to them?
Herr Admiral,
the feasibility study...
..will be a total
and unnecessary waste of time.
Make it immediately.
Complete for the last month.
If Herr Oberst could give me
a rough idea of our problem...?
I can be specific about it.
The Führer has instructed us
to kidnap Winston Churchill.
- Good God!
- Well, Karl...
do at least
a feasibility study on it.
Something which might
fit our needs came in yesterday.
Just a mention, as far
as I remember. If I may, sir?
Here it is.
From codename Starling.
A village in England
called Studley Constable.