How do we receive reports
from this Starling?
From the Spanish Embassy in
London, also by radio contact.
Exactly where is
Studley Constable?
The east coast of England.
Er...County of Norfolk.
Isolated coastline, very rural,
wide beaches, salt marshes.
Now, a man to lead it, Karl.
Crash-landed, 1940 -
glider assault.
Albert Canal, Belgium,
dropped into Crete, '41...
Wounded taking Máleme
airfield... Knight's Cross.
Led assault group of 300
special action, Leningrad.
Stalingrad Knight's Cross
with oak leaves and swords.
January this year, dropped into
Kiev with 167 surviving in unit,
to get two cut-off regiments
out of Russia.
Oberst Kurt Steiner.
And there's the language?
Educated in England.
(Sirens start wailing)
Third time in the last month,
despite Goering's
personal guarantee.
Are you familiar
with the works of Jung, Karl?
I am aware of the works of Jung,
not familiar, Herr Oberst.
A very great thinker.
A rational man.
And yet he speaks of something
called synchronicity -
events having
a coincidence in time,
creating the feeling that
a deeper motivation is involved.