January this year, dropped into
Kiev with 167 surviving in unit,
to get two cut-off regiments
out of Russia.
Oberst Kurt Steiner.
And there's the language?
Educated in England.
(Sirens start wailing)
Third time in the last month,
despite Goering's
personal guarantee.
Are you familiar
with the works of Jung, Karl?
I am aware of the works of Jung,
not familiar, Herr Oberst.
A very great thinker.
A rational man.
And yet he speaks of something
called synchronicity -
events having
a coincidence in time,
creating the feeling that
a deeper motivation is involved.
-Ja, I understand that, sir.
- Take this affair.
The Führer makes
the absurd suggestion
that we abduct Churchill.
We have to make a worthless
report on the prospects.
And then suddenly, synchronicity
rears its disturbing head.
Ja. I see.
We receive a routine report
with a brief notation
that next month, after visiting
a local bomber command,
Churchill will spend
a weekend in a country manor
less than seven miles
from a deserted coastline.
At any other time,
this report would mean nothing.
At this particular time,
and in that particular file...
(Distant explosions)
it becomes a circumstance
which titillates.
A coincidence to...tease us.
(Explosion nearby)
Surely Herr Oberst doesn't
believe it can be carried off.