-Ja, I understand that, sir.
- Take this affair.
The Führer makes
the absurd suggestion
that we abduct Churchill.
We have to make a worthless
report on the prospects.
And then suddenly, synchronicity
rears its disturbing head.
Ja. I see.
We receive a routine report
with a brief notation
that next month, after visiting
a local bomber command,
Churchill will spend
a weekend in a country manor
less than seven miles
from a deserted coastline.
At any other time,
this report would mean nothing.
At this particular time,
and in that particular file...
(Distant explosions)
it becomes a circumstance
which titillates.
A coincidence to...tease us.
(Explosion nearby)
Surely Herr Oberst doesn't
believe it can be carried off.
A wink from a pretty girl at a
party results rarely in climax,
but it's foolish not to push the
suggestion as far as it will go.
Find this man. He's been
out of Germany too long.