Identify yourself.
Oberst Kurt Steiner.
Commanding the Twelfth
Parachute Detachment.
A salute is customary
to a General, Herr Oberst.
Even to one of SS.
You didn't seem quite so
discriminating a moment ago.
I have nothing
for or against Jews, personally.
But I've seen
too many men die for cause,
to watch a girl
be killed for sport!
Straub did his duty...
He's like something I might pick
up on my shoe in the gutter -
very unpleasant on a hot day!
If you have the dubious honour
of commanding this slaughter,
I'd advise you to keep him
downwind at all times.
That is,
if you can tell the difference.
For God's sake, Kurt.
What am I to do with you,
Herr Oberst?
You're a military hero,
awarded the Knight's Cross
for gallantry.
Yet responsible for the
attempted escape of an enemy,
abetted by the mutinous
conduct of your men.
By rights, you should all
be court-martialled.
Difficult decisions
are the privilege of rank,
Herr Gruppenführer.
But, as for my men,
they seem to feel
a certain loyalty to me.
I, er...
don't suppose you could
content yourself with my head
and overlook
their part in this thing?