What am I to do with you,
Herr Oberst?
You're a military hero,
awarded the Knight's Cross
for gallantry.
Yet responsible for the
attempted escape of an enemy,
abetted by the mutinous
conduct of your men.
By rights, you should all
be court-martialled.
Difficult decisions
are the privilege of rank,
Herr Gruppenführer.
But, as for my men,
they seem to feel
a certain loyalty to me.
I, er...
don't suppose you could
content yourself with my head
and overlook
their part in this thing?
There you are, you see, Hans?
It's infallible.
I can always tell
a real bastard when I see one.
- Herr Oberst?
- In here, Karl.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Herr Oberst.
The material arrived from
Starling. It is truly excellent.
Starling is to be commended.
Ja. Ja, this is good.
What news of Oberst Steiner?